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The Patriot Society LLC


The Voice and the Power of the People


©CNS 2012-Revised in 2018-2020

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Section 1 The Mission Statement;


To plan and promote Social and Political programs, to restore Democratic, Civil, and Social prerogatives for the benefit of Society as a whole, to perpetuate Democracy, Opportunity and Freedom, and Elect a like minded Congress.


Our immediate Political Goals are briefly outlined here;


To end 'exporting' of industry, and 'outsourcing' labor, the only real solution to creating jobs.


To put an absolute end to the influx of illegal aliens.


To promote universal health care in the U.S. with 'single payer', and no insurance company involvement.

(everyone pays, and everyone is cared for)


To block the 'Elitist' drive to channel Social Security funding into Wall Street.


To perpetuate the existence of the U.S. Postal Service as a public entity.


To support and guarantee the rights of labor to organize.


To guarantee the right to receive a government payment by paper check.


To stop the 'Elitist' drive to privatize public roads and highways.


To impose term limits in Federal Government.


To discourage the 'Elitist' idea of 'One World Government'.


To expose the gigantic 'legal' ripoff of the Federal Reserve.


This is a small sample of our concerns, there are countless others, but you have to start somewhere. Our intent is to concentrate on a few of the most pressing issues, and carry them to success, before pursuing something else. In our current legislative system, as it has evolved, the object is often lost in negotiations and deals. We intend to deliver, so our supporters know they are getting what they are paying for, and to deliver we need a like minded majority in congress, along with a substantial base at the local level.


We are currently recruiting representatives, members, and supporters.


Section 2 â€‹Our Vision;


True democratic power, the power of the mass population, is currently pushed into the background by the financial power of the 'Elites'. That is the result of the 'Elites' ability to finance an overwhelming mass of political bribery and propaganda, and many people believe they are helpless to retaliate in any way.


The majority of people are aware of the power of their vote, but all to many are totally disillusioned by the people they have voted for. With each passing year, the power of that vote is further diluted, unless vigorous action is taken now, the mass vote will soon be totally meaningless!


There is a solution; and that solution is for the middle class, and especially the lower income groups of the middle class, of Americans, to organize and support the idea that America is the greatest land on earth, and to support a movement intended to insure that idea remains a reality. The Patriot Society is that movement, ultimately, this will require our own political 'party'. The immediate 'urgent' goal is to elect a 'like minded' congress.


This requires not only moral support, but also sweat effort and monetary support. It requires many thousands of people (voters) to create real power, and to organize and unite those people costs money.

Advertising, handouts, print materials and 'door to door' communication all have to be paid for. While some people are too cheap to put even a nominal support behind what they believe and agree on, a cash equivalent to one pack of cigarettes per week by each member, will make this movement a success.


Section 3 About us;


The inspiration for starting the Patriot Society as a secular political information source, is the obvious failure of Congress to do the will of the people.


Some examples of this are the failure to create universal health care, although over 70% of the people favor it. Another example is the failure to make any effective effort to halt the influx of illegal aliens, favored by about 80% of Americans. The most current example of gross congressional negligence is the refusal of congress to clamp down on the crooked and corrupt financial industry, the ‘heart beat’ of our very existence. The demonstrated regime of Barack Obama shows the futility of’ ‘cleaning up’ through the existing political parties. The Obama ‘turncoat’ posture became obvious in the two months between the 2008 election and his inauguration.

The following paragraph highlights the current untenable abuses sanctified by congress;

The deals and connections between the insurance industry and Obama will not stand close scrutiny. The Federal Reserve, over 100 years old, is a cheap fraud owned entirely by the banks, and masquerading as a Government Agency. After spending Trillions over a period of about 60 years ‘fighting’ communism, we are now in bed with them. In less than 30 years of ‘normal’ relations with Communist China (we were virtually at war with mainland China prior to that) we are now so far in ‘hock’ to them it will be very difficult to get out. The ‘good people’ from the Republican (and Democrat) party we have sent to congress, have ‘sacrificed’ the economy of our country on the ‘Altar of Free Trade’. In the course of doing this, they have greatly diminished the lifestyle and opportunity of working families.


The people promoting the Patriot Society are predominantly the working middle class, the ‘Blue Collar’ people. It’s very obvious the Elites are not going to throw us a ‘lifeline’, so we have to swim for it. With our united help, we will survive!


Section 4 The Organizing Plan;


As we visualized recruiting sufficient people to make this effort successful, we devised the following plan;

We divided the United States into 52 Franchised Districts, each a geographical area of approximately 6 million people. Each District is divided into geographical Divisions, each Division not to exceed an area of one million people, and each Division is divided into geographic Local Councils, each Local Council not to exceed a population of 200 thousand people. The Councils with a crew of up to 20 Field Representatives recruits members. Each District has a Franchised District Director, who is responsible for establishing the field levels in his/her District. All Activist people, District, Division, Councils and Field Representatives are required to submit a completed uniform application process, supplied and approved by the Society, before any appointment can be made. To facilitate the organizing effort, we have devised this 'chain of command', intended to recruit as many people as possible. Our only commodity is people, and the unity of people is our strength.


To insure that District Directors are diligent and dedicated in their organizing efforts, they are required to join the Society as a Franchisee, the individual franchise fee set by mutual agreement between each District Director and the Society. The franchise also requires one share in the Society, which is organized as a LLC with 100 shares, with an initial price of $1,000 per share, which gives the shareholder one vote in Society elections, and the duty to nominate candidates for Society Offices. The share has no expectation of profit or dividend, and is for the sole purpose of organizing and maintaining

perpetuity in the Society. Shares can be sold, with the approval of the Society, and no person, or entity, can hold more than one share, or own more than one percent of the Society. Any shares not issued and active are held by the Society and have no nominating or voting power. All shareholders must be a member of the Society in good standing.


As there is no 'war chest' provided by 'big business', as in the Republican Party, our funding has to come from the bottom up, from the members. As we stated previously, our only commodity is people, so our funding is primarily spent on recruiting people. Our recruiting schedule designates a percentage of all revenues for cash commissions to the workers in the field and the administrators of the various levels, with the highest percentage going to the 'door to door' turf pounders. As we stated earlier, there's no free lunch, but we encourage you to support this movement. Americas democratic principles and our economic position in the world are depending on this.


Section 5 Patriot Society, Administration


The basic delegation of duties of Administrative Officers of the Society are as follows; in order of authority and/or succession;


    1. The Managing Member, Founder Member;

to propagate and direct the ‘populist philosophy’ true to our original intent, as stated in the Mission Statement.


    2. Executive Secretary, Founder Member;

to monitor the execution of the Society’s programs.


    3. General Administration Member;

to oversee the overall operation of the Central Office.


    4. General Treasurer;

to receive all revenues, to account for the funds, as a business structure, and to make all distributions.


    5. Membership Manager;

to provide the ‘hands on’ management of the recruiting structure.


    6. Policy Manager;

to form a Committee from the Officers, to guide the efforts of the Society to achieve its goals, as dictate by the majority of the membership.


    7. Research Manager;

working with the Policy Committee, to examine and verify the ‘Post Line’ to keep our postings factual.


    8. Communications Manager;

to keep our online system technically current, user friendly and bug proof, and to keep abreast of any ‘freebies’ we might use (Twitter etc).


    9. Legal Issues Manager;


Section 6 Rules of Conduct;


All Officers and Activists of the Society are expected to exercise a high degree of moral decorum, and to abide by the pledges they have agreed to within the Society. 


The following violations, among others, are grounds for suspension and review by the Society ‘Board of Inquiry;


Gross misrepresentation on Society applications.


Failure to abide by Society policy, or substituting unauthorized material. 



Intentional and malicious slander of the Society or others.


Transmitting confidential materials to outside sources without authorization.


Embezzlement of Society Funds.


Improper accounting or failure to credit membership funds or gifts.


Involvement in ‘infamous’ incidents, and involvement in felonies.


Section 7 Proposed Salaries of Officers, Patriot Society;


In view of the limited budget the startup of the Patriot Society is on, anticipating funding from the planned membership which may or may not happen, we propose the following procedure;


The original staff of the Society will be ‘invited’ to serve, (later elected) and salaries and the payment of salaries will be uncertain. With this understood, we propose the officers accept token payments, to cover current personal expense, while accumulated hours will be paid if and when funds are available.


Our future basic hourly wage is proposed to be twenty dollars per hour, until the Field Districts are established. At that time we propose to convert the hourly salaries of the Officers of the Society to a system based on the commissions paid to the District Directors, as follows;


Once part of the Districts are in operation (a minimum of 26, or one half the total) we will average the monthly awards to the District Directors, and the Administrative Officers of the Society, not to exceed a total of nine Officers, will be entitled to a salary equal to 25% of that average. The Society will have one salary base for all administrative people, equal in all respects monetarily, unless a position is 'part time', which in that case the salary would be adjusted accordingly. Other salaries will be set by the Administrative Officers, not to exceed a predetermined limit.


Section 8 Election of Officers; Patriot Society


The initial Officers of the Society, other than the Founders, will be appointed for a term of Two years, subject to the Society Rules of Conduct. Due to financial limitations of the initial organization, an Officer may hold two positions, one of which will be ‘interim’, to be surrendered at the appropriate time. 'Interim’ positions will not accrue salary. Upon completion of the term of the initial Officers of the Society, all Officers will be elected for random terms of two years. As the Society is organized as an LLC, it is divided into 100 shares. As stated in the organizing statement to insure perpetuity no person or organization can own more than one share. If a member in the Society owns a share and is terminated for any reason that person will have one year to transfer his share to another qualified entity or forfeit that share back to the Society, in no event will the Society be obligated to buy back a share. The shareholders have the duty to nominate the administrative officers of the Society, and each active district, division and council has one vote, in each election, to be cast by secret ballot.


Section 9 Removal of Officers or Activists’


Suspension of an Officer or Activist, other than a Founder, will be by order of the Managing Member. Termination or other disciplinary measures will be determined by the Administrative Officers of the Society, acting as a ‘Board of Inquiry’. If the number of officers comprising the Board is an even number, the junior officer, determined by the date his/her term commenced, will be excused from the Board of Inquiry, to avoid a tie vote. The violations subject to review by the Board of Inquiry are listed in the Rules of Conduct, but are not limited to that code. The Founders, Richard Byrd, and Jessie Byrd, are lifetime Officers of the Society and are not subject to suspension or removal, and are exempt from Orders of the Board of Inquiry. As policy and administration evolves, and subsequent Administrative Boards are created, the Founders retain lifetime veto power, to assure the policies and direction of the Society are not untimely corrupted.


Section 10 The Districts


A District is a Franchised area with a population of approximately six million people. Each District will have a District Director. It is the duty of the District Director to calculate and divide his/her District into Divisions, ideally with about one million people in each Division. The Director will select Supervisors for the Divisions, in his/her District who will in turn create Local Councils, ideally with less than two hundred thousand population per Council.


The head of the Council is the Councilor, and in turn the Councilors will recruit Field Representatives, up to 20 per Council. The Field Representatives recruit members, and 'sells' the philosophy and the political agenda of the Society to the members they recruit.  Field Representatives are independent contractors to the Local Council, the Local Council is an independent contractor to the Division, the Division is an independent contractor to the District, the District is an independent contractor to the Patriot Society.


The Franchise is a business entity, and as such can be sold, or reassigned, as can any downstream component, subject to meeting qualifications of the original owners, and rules of the Society. Any component sold, or reassigned, will include any and all of the core membership of the seller, or former owner, and all future distributions will go to the new owners. No person, entity or association, closely related, can own more than one District, and no person can own more than one percent of the Society.


The Patriot Society sets out the Rules of Conduct, and the agenda for recruiting members. The District Director is franchised to create and supervise the recruiting structure within his/her District, under the terms stated by the Society. The memberships recruited by his/her structure are, once accepted by the Society, the property of the Society, present and future. Each Director will propose a franchise fee with his/her application, as stated in section four.


The District Director is responsible for the performance of all recruiting within his/her District, and will strive to confine his/her people to his/her District. While ‘casual overlap’ cannot be avoided, it should be discouraged, and no Council will be established outside of the appropriate District.


When it is appropriate each District Director's staff will be expected to initiate ballot access, encourage voter registration in their District, and nominate candidates to public office. The District Director will also be aware of the regulatory issues in his/her District, and take necessary steps to be in compliance. Where required, the first District Director within a state shall become the registered agent for the Society in that state.



Section 11 The Districts Map


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District#                                       Population    


1. Alabama                                    4,750,000


2. Arizona                                      6,000,000 


3. Colorado                                    7,000,000

    New Mexico 


4. Indiana                                       6,500,000


5. Delaware                                   7,000,000      


6. Massachusetts                         7,000,000


7. Minnesota                                 5,950,000

    North Dakota



8. Missouri                                     6,000,000


9. Tennessee                                 6,300,000


10. Washington                             6,600,000


11. Wisconsin                                5,700,000


12. Oregon                                     5,800,000 




13. Idaho                                       6, 050,000





14. Kansas                                    6,700,000



15. Nebraska                                5,813,000


      South Dakota


16. Arkansas                                6,000,000 



17. Louisiana                                4,500,000 


18. Michigan                                10,000,000


19. Maine                                       3,230,000

      New Hampshire



20. All of Illinois except, Lake, 

      Cook and Dupage Counties   6,373,000  


21. Lake, Cook and Dupage

      Counties in Illinois                  6,626,900 


22. Rode Island                             4,500,000 


23. West Virginia                           6,200,000 



24. East part of Ohio                   5,488,000 

      45 Counties see list 


25. West part of Ohio                   6,012,000 

       43 Counties see list 


26. North Carolina                        8,282,100 

      Except 22 Counties in

      west part of State

      See List


27. New Jersey                             8,700,000


28. Virginia                                    8,000,000


29. West Texas                              6,870,000

      132 Counties see list


30. Northeast Texas                      6,531,800

      22 Counties see list       


31. East Central Texas                 7,403,600         

      57 Counties see list                                                                                                           

32. South Texas                             4,504,900

       43 Counties see list


33. South Florida                           6,222,100

      7 Counties see list


34. Central Florida                        6,033,900

      21 Counties see list



35. North Florida                           5,757,800

      See list                                                                                                             â€‹

36. North Georgia                         5,002,776

      44 Counties see list



37. South Georgia                         5,002,700 

      114 Counties see list


38. West Pennsylvania                 5,870,170

      48 Counties See list


39. East Pennsylvania                  6,130,000

      See list


40. West New York                        4,610,000

      24 Counties see list


41. North and East New York       4,600,000

      31 Counties see list


42. South New York                      5,944,400

      4 Counties see list


43. South and East New York       5,063,600

      3 Counties see list


44.  North California                      6,506,700

       23 Counties and all of Nevada

       see list


45. North Central California         5,962,500

      12 Counties see list 


46. Central California                    4,805,200

      13 Counties see list


47. Southern California                4,390,900

      5 Counties see list 


48. and 49. Los Angeles County  9,818,600

      To be divided by City Streets 


 50. Southern California               5,199,800 

       Orange and Riverside Counties


51. Southern California                3,300,000

      San Diego and Imperial Counties


52. South Carolina                        5,718,000

      Plus 22 Counties in North Carolina

      See list


Section 12 Membership Fees


General membership;


A membership fee of $50.00 annually allows a person to become a ‘General Member’. The benefit of this will accrue to the member as the Society progresses with its agenda. The general member can access the ‘updates’ on the Society News Alerts at any time.


Patriot Member;


A ‘Patriot Member’ has pledged $25.00 per month (or more), and is entitled to view and comment on the policy platforms as they are established. Applicants for ‘Activist’ positions in the Society must first be a Member.


Gift Membership;


Anyone wishing to donate to the Society (not tax deductible) may do so at any time. A Gift Membership has the same status as a General Membership, and requires the same fee. A gift membership does not have a personal ID #. 


Member Roster;


The Society will maintain a ‘roster’ of members identified by their membership number, and their position and status.


Member Status;


Any member in good standing will be listed on the roster as such. Gift members will be listed as Friends of the Society.


Section 13 Membership Recruiting;


The Society’s initial recruiting will be a combination of ‘Direct’ by the Society Central Office, which is designated as District 53, and field recruiting. Once a reasonable percentage of Districts are established, all recruiting will be done in the field, to avoid conflict with field representatives. At that time, membership inquiries received by the Central Office will be referred to the appropriate District.


The membership number will indicate how and when the member was recruited, for proper acknowledgment.




This # up to 53




This up to 9




This # up to 9




This # up to 99




To infinite


Let’s suppose a ‘new’ recruit # 01 signs on with the # 5 Council of the 2nd Division of District 01, his ID would be 01-2-5-01-00001. District 53 is the central office and is a temporary recruiter. District 53 will have 1 Division and 1 Council, any membership ID # originating from District 53 will be 53-1-1-0?-00001 the 5th digit will be the position # of an officer of the Society who recruited the new member, the last 5 digits are the new members personal ID #.


Section 14 Revenues and Awards Schedule;


All revenues, regardless of the Source, go directly to the Patriot Society, General Treasury.


Checks, cash or money orders. All Credit Card payments will be credited minus 4% to accurately reflect the money we receive. All funds will be accounted for, and all disbursements and awards will be made by the General Treasury.


 All Field membership recruiting commissions will be awarded as follows;


The Field Representative                                                                                      55%


The Local Council the Representative is a member of                                      15%


The Division the Local Council is a member of                                                 7.5%


The District the Division is a member of                                                            7.5%


The Central Office dedicated to research, projects and promotion                  10%


The Office Administration, Patriot Society and Church of Natural Science      5%


The indicated percentages are based on the net amount of the individual membership fee, or other revenue, and will accrue to the 'originator' as long as both are in good standing. As an example, a Field Representative who recruited a 'new' member as a Patriot member, which would be $300.00 per year, the representative would earn $165.00, if the 'new' member honored his pledge for the full year. Likewise the Council would receive $45.00, the Division would receive $22.50, the District would receive $22.50 and the Central Office of the Society would receive $45.00.


Please Note;


As a matter of principle, the Society has chosen not to be a ‘tax exempt’ entity; (501 c-3-501 c-4) as the Society, as a matter of principle, is adamantly opposed to the plethora of ‘tax exempts’, such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, that use and abuse the advantage and privilege extended to them by the tax exempt status.


We firmly believe if people want to support something, whether it is political or charity, they should do so out of their own pocket, and not because they have the option of ‘diverting’ part of their taxable income to some favorite cause, while at the same time robbing the public coffers.


Section 15 To become an Activist;


As with any political activity in a democracy, where the net result depends on a majority, there is a tremendous amount of work to do. While all policy of the Patriot Society originates with the Policy Committee, as expressed by the Patriot membership, created from the input of the supporting membership, the word has to be ‘spread’ across the nation. This requires many dedicated people. All officers of the Society, all members of the recruiting structure, District, Division, Council, and Field representatives are considered ‘Activist’ by the Society, and as such must be a Member. To become an ‘Activist’, Members must also pass the qualification tests and background check. Employees, administrative assistants, and technical people, such as computer technicians and researchers are not considered ‘Activists’, and as such are not required to be members. It is reasonable to assume however, that anyone dedicated to this project would want to be a member.


Qualification Requirements for Activist Positions


The first step in applying as an Activist in the Society is to fill out the online preliminary application.


A short guide to the required qualifications to be a Patriot Society Activist;


You must be a U.S. Citizen.


You must be at least 18 years old.


Your legal voting rights cannot be impaired.


You must be ‘bondable’, although it may not be required.


You must have reliable character references, outside of your immediate family.


A history including Bankruptcy could be a negative.


You must pledge to present Society policy exactly as its presented to you by the Society.


Age, past age 18, race, gender, or national origin is not an issue.


Dedication to Policies and Philosophy of the Society is a prerequisite.


You must have the ability and will to keep accurate records.


You acknowledge as an Activist you are an independent contractor.


As an independent contractor your commission is your total earnings.


As an independent contractor you develop your own recruiting methods within the Society guidelines.


The Society will provide the ethical limitations that Activists must abide by.


The Society will make available its policies, goals, and online material without cost, and paper brochures at nominal cost.


Section 16 Recruiter Status;


All Activist people will be listed on the roster showing their position and membership number. If they are a current, authorized representative of the Society they will be on the roster as such. Anyone terminated from an Activist position will immediately be removed from the roster, or noted as unauthorized.


The Society will take every measure reasonably possible to avoid bogus or counterfeit information being fed or hacked into the online system. The Society strives to alert all members of the vulnerable position anyone sharing information on the Internet is in. We also want our members to be aware of the ‘dirty tricks’ the established political parties are capable of. (a few examples, Chicago ‘68’, the Watergate ‘72’, the Reagan campaign ‘80’, the Perot Fiasco ‘92’, and the ‘ACORN sting’ ‘2009’, and the current "Russian Dossier" created by the Clinton Organization during the 2016 election.) These people have established many ‘cash cows’ over the years, they are ruthless, totally unethical, well organized and will go to great lengths to protect their Golden Geese. To some it may seem we are overly cautious, but it’s a lot easier to prevent a disaster than it is to repair it.


Addendum #1


To facilitate perpetuity The Patriot Society is organized as a LLC with 100 shares with an initial value of $1,000 per share, with 52 shares allocated and reserved, one each, for the 52 Districts. The balance of 48 shares may be held by officers of the Society and/or individuals, all of whom must meet the qualifications of an ‘activist’, provided that no person, individual or entity can own, hold or control more than one share. Ownership of a share by a business or an individual does not confer a priority right to do business with the Society. It is further provided that no single entity can own or control more than one percent of the Society, except as provided in the organizing document. It is further provided that the Society may participate in business activities not directly related to political goals as a means to raise funds.


Duties of the Share Holders;


The sole function of a share is to allow the holder the opportunity to nominate candidates for administrative positions in the Society. It also gives the shareholder one vote in the election of those candidates. Any unissued share is held in escrow by the Society, and has no nominating power and has no vote. The majority that determines a Society election is based on the total number of active issued shares and positions in the Society.


Tax Status Note;


While the Patriot Society is not organized, as an entity, to produce a profit, or pay dividends, it is required to have a stated tax status. When there is sufficient membership to select an appropriate status that election will be made by majority vote. 


Addendum #2; The Patriot Society, LLC. Application for activist status;


Name  ___________________________


U.S. Mail address _________________________________


E-mail address _________________________________


Patriot Society I.D. # _____    _____    _____   _____    ____________


Are you a U.S. Citizen           ________


Are you 18 years of

age or more                           ________


Are you a registered member

of a political party                 ________


Have you read, and do you understand the complete Patriot Society organizing statement                              ________


Would you be willing to follow the stated policies of the Society precisely as presented to you                                         ________


Have you ever been convicted

of a felony                              ________


If it was necessary, could

you be bonded                       ________


Have you ever filed for

bankruptcy                            ________


Do you understand that you would act as an independent contractor for the Society, and not an employee                                                      ________


If any answer requires an explanation, write It here, or on a separate sheet of paper, _________________________________










and e-mail is


or mail the completed application to​

The Patriot Society, LLC

HC 33 Box 160

Rogerson, Idaho 83302


Addendum #3; The District franchise agreement;


All franchises for District Director positions with The Patriot Society are with the following understanding; That while the Districts have been established by population, using the 2010 census, they may not be exact. Where District boundaries encompass more than one state, there will be additional local laws to deal with, and extra travel expense. The political attitude of different localities will also differ dramatically. While some areas might be very receptive of Patriot Society Policies, others may not. In essence, it will be easy to recruit members and supporters in some areas, in others it will be difficult. That is why our organizing statement sets the franchise fee and subsequent appointment of a franchisee as a ‘one on one’ individual agreement. Anyone considering becoming a District Director needs to analyze the possibilities very carefully. In any event the franchise requires a one percent share in the Society, which is initially set at one thousand U.S. dollars. This is not part of the franchise fee. To facilitate the ‘start up’ of any District, the Society is willing to assist in financing the franchise fee, here also on a ‘one on one’ basis. Each District Director also has the option to take in partners in the franchise, each of whom would need to be ‘qualified’ as stated in the organizing statement, and the activist application. Partners might consist of Division Supervisors, or Councilors, but the person holding the District Director position is fully responsible for that District and must be willing to devote the time and energy required to organize The District. This project is a ‘work in progress’, and as we speak we are attempting to assemble the home office administration staff. Any questions or comments will be appreciated, and responded to.




U.S. Mail: The Patriot Society, LLC

                 HC 33 Box 160

                 Rogerson, Idaho 83302


Addendum #4; The Lists


Please note that Section 15 on the organizing agreement where the location of the Districts are shown on the map, and then on a matching numerical order, there is often a notation ‘see list’. Where a state might have several Districts, we have divided those Districts by counties, and that is in a separate list, showing each county in that District. We do not have that on the website at this time, anyone interested in a District having the note ‘see list’, can e-mail a request for the list of counties in that particular District, and we will send that list by return e-mail. (or U.S. mail if you prefer)




If any part of this agreement is proven to conflict with any law or ordinance, the agreement will be altered to comply within that jurisdiction, the balance of the plan will remain in effect where it is not in violation. Amendments, not applying to the founders, can be proposed by 20% of the active shareholders, and passed when approved by 75% of the active shareholders.


Thank you;


Richard 'Dick' Byrd, founding member

(208) 655-4360




U.S. Mail: The Patriot Society, LLC

                 HC 33 Box 160

                 Rogerson, Idaho



How it works! the field representative keeps in constant contact with his/her members, at least once per month, doing web polls on the current issues, the results go upstream to the central Policy Board, where the Policy is developed, true grassroots Democracy, from all America!

The field representatives are the backbone of this system, they become full-time ‘political workers’ just like the Congress is supposed to be, the difference being they ‘earn’ from their effort. With a majority in Congress, it would prevent the total destruction of Policies in place with a change of administrations and end ‘special interest influence’.


Member benefits; saving America and the democratic system, with common benefits for all America, plus individual benefits from a point system (to be developed) that accrues to the member, for years of membership and promotions of candidates and recommendations to recruit new members. The points enable support from the Society for a member who might want to run for public office, anything from a school board to president of the U.S.


To get this off the ground, sufficient people need to get involved to create the initial policy board, and to establish the treasury system and a web server system. The system as described in the organizing statement would involve over 30 thousand people in activist positions, when fully employed. It's a rare ray of hope to eliminate the traditional Democrat and Republican Party system that is totally corrupt, with no cure in sight.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Richard (Dick) Byrd

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